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Within the framework of the project DrauGen market economic research has been carried out

2020. gada 29. janvāris

Within the framework of the project "Environmentally Friendly Small Power Generator with the Rotor Linear Motion (DrauGen)" No. market economic research has been carried out. As the goal of the DrauGen project is to create and environmentally friendly electric bicycle generators that are able to charge and power other small electrical appliances, a potential market study was carried out to understand whether the developed bicycle generator will be commercialized. The main idea is to replace one of the bicycle wheel hubs with a dynamo hub with a non-magnetic rotor with magnetic contacts moving perpendicular to the magnetic field lines. The market investigation and analysis concluded that this device is the most suitable for cyclists, bike tourists and long-distance cyclists, as these target segments are the most frequent buyers of dynamo assemblies and would benefit from the ability to charge their electrical appliances on a long journey and get a strong sustainable lighting devices. A study of the global bicycle accessories market concludes that the market is relatively small and the growth potential is limited, as cycling is only popular in some European, Baltic and Scandinavian countries. According to the results of the study, the most favourable countries for the development of this project are the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Poland and France. Based on segmentation analysis, it is desirable to compete in similar segments as dynamo hub manufacturers. Analysing and comparing business models and strategies, as well as the risks associated with them, it is concluded that the licensing business model has the best potential. Choosing this model will require the greatest effort in product development, but it is in this area that the team has the most experience. In addition, successful licensing of DAK production requires less investment and less effort. This strategy, too, will not affect ownership of the technology, even if a new application for the generator is found.

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