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Second cycle of testing services performed in Ventspils University of Applied Sciences

2020. gada 23. janvāris

During January 2020 Ventspils University of Applied Sciences (VUAS) performed second round of free testing services for local SME called Cryogenic and Vacuum Systems (CVS) in the framework of project “Laboratory network for testing, characterisation and conformity assessment of electronic products developed by SMEs” (abbreviation – TEST-4-SME).

The aim of the testing is for the laboratory to iteratively develop and improve testing procedures, quality and efficiency of testing in order to speed up the process of product development for electronic SMEs.

In total, testing was performed 3 times for 3 different components in 21st of January 2020.

During these tests dedicated Vector Network Analyser (VNA) in the possession of VUAS was calibrated and used to measure S parameters of radiofrequency (RF) equipment like 430 MHz band-pass filter, RF terminator and RF capacitor according to EIA-364-108 standard. In total all 4 S parameters were measured for the band-pass filter and S11 parameter measured using Smith Chart for RF terminator and RF capacitor.

After each testing a testing report was compiled and delivered to SME that summarized all measured parameters. After each testing the measurement procedure was improved that yielded better quality and speed of testing.
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