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Specialists of remote sensing department participate in „Copernicus Hackathon and Climathon Riga 2018”

2018. gada 30. oktobris

On October 26, 2018, in Riga Technical University (RTU) Design Factory was organized a 24-hour hackathon. The teams were asked to research possible solutions for different problems in relation to climate and environment while applying Copernicus satellite data.

This year participants were asked to solve several Latvian government defined problems such as the spread of pollution in the urban environment, the assurance of water drainage during floods, and the problems caused by the transport movements on the main streets and coastal erosion. Local governments that provided their challenges: Cēsis, Jelgava, Liepāja, Ogre, Salacgrīva, and Valmiera.

During the first part of the hackathon, the participants were introduced to the challenges. Throughout the practical part, the participants, while considering their mentors’ opinion, worked in teams in order to find practical and applicable solutions to the respective problems.

Specialists Roberts Ķēniņš and Nils Bērziņš of VeUAS VIRAC remote sensing department also participated in „Copernicus Hackathon and Climathon Riga 2018”.

Roberts Ķēniņš and the team that he was a part of searched for possible solutions in order to solve the coastal erosion problem in Salacgrīva. Because of this erosion, many roads are being washed out and sea coastline is getting dangerously close to the living area.

Pictures from „Copernicus Hackathon and Climathon Riga 2018”

The challenge that was proposed by Liepāja government was dust spreading in the urban environment because of the coals being moved. Nils Bērziņš was a part of this team. The solution they came up with involved the establishment of walls around the respective territory. This wall would be equipped with the net that would keep the dust inside the port territory. The team came in the second place, therefore, the team was given an opportunity to participate in Climate-KIC Greenhouse business incubator in order to develop their idea.

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