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VIRAC employees participate in the training "5th LOFAR data processing school"

2018. gada 27. septembris

VIRAC employees participate in the training "5th LOFAR data processing school"       

During the period from 17.09.2018 to 21.09.2018 VIRAC employees Jānis Šteinbergs and Fēliks Kamiševs participated in one week training ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) "5th LOFAR data processing school". The main aim of the training was to acquaint the participants with the LOFAR observation process, processing of the data obtained in the observation. 

The training covered many aspects of LOFAR system from the capabilities of the basic station hardware to the processing of observational data in software, resulting in scientifically useful information. The training also included practical sessions in which LOFAR data were processed.

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