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VIRAC employees participate in CASA-VLBI seminar

2020. gada 1. novembris

High Perfomance Computing Department astronomy technician Jānis Šteinbergs and Astronomy and Astrophysics Department researcher Artis Aberfelds will participate in CASA-VLBI seminar online which will take place from 2-6 November.   

Seminar description:               

CASA data processing tool is growing in its use for Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) data processing. Over the last years functionality in CASA has improved including in it more operational tools for processing VLBI data.             

To educate new and existing VLBI astronomers in the use of CASA for data processing, JIVE is hosting a second CASA-VLBI workshop from 2-6 November. This will be a fully online event, since due to the current COVID-19 situation it is not possible to host participants locally.     

The workshop will consist of four days. The first (half) day will teach the basics of CASA and the three subsequent days cover VLBI data processing in CASA. To accommodate the widest possible range of time zones, each full day consists of a morning session and an afternoon session, with two lectures and one tutorial block per session.                                 

Seminar Organizer: 

  •  JIVE
  • RadioNet
  • Jumping Jive

Detailed Information about the seminar - in seminar homepage and Youtube channel here.                

More about  Jive - here!

More about  RadioNet - here!

More about  JumpingJive -  here!


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