This web page is created within BALTICS project funded from the European Union’s Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No.692257.
2020. gada 15. janvāris
On Thursday, January 9th, 2020 a teaming agreement was signed between the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC), a leading global commercial company providing advanced space services and Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre (VIRAC) at Ventspils University College (VUC).
Swedish Space Corporation has more than fifty years of experience in activities covering the entire range of space-related services, from feasibility studies to operational services. SSC is fully owned by the Swedish Government and currently has three main business areas: Science & Launch services, Satellite Ground Network Services and Spacecraft Operations & Engineering services. To learn more visit:
The goal of the teaming agreement is to start collaboration on roadmap and joint Research & Development (R&D) activities for adapting VIRAC radio telescope antennas RT-16 and RT-32 for dual purpose use both in radio astronomy and deep space communications, therefore, allowing the antenna deployment in crossdisciplinarity fields and maximizing their output.
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Ekskursijas: +37129230818
Inženieru iela 101, Ventspils, LV-3601
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