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2020. gada 15. jūlijs
On 10 July the rector of Riga Tehnical University (RTU), an academic Leonīds Ribickis attended a meeting with the management of Ventspils University of Applied Sciences (VUAS). RTU rector talked about higher education and science topicalities with VUAS rector Kārlis Krēsliņš, Acting Vice Rector for Studies assoc. prof. Una Libkovska, Director of Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre (VIRAC) Aleksejs Klokovs and 1st Deputy Chairman of Ventspils City Council Jānis Vītoliņš.
Currently a topical issue for higher education institutions is the planned amendments to the Law on Higher Education Institutions. The aim of the amendments is to make Latvia's higher education system more competitive and oriented towards excellence. The amendments to the Law are conceptually supported by the Saeima, however the planned changes have raised discussions and disagreements. The rectors of RTU and VUAS agreed that the planned amendments threaten the autonomy of universities and higher education institutions, and the amendments have unresolved issues regarding the future governance model of higher education institutions. The bill envisages the introduction of a new internal management institution - the University Council. The Council would take over the duties of senate of higher education institutions and universities as the highest decision-making body. Both rectors agreed that it would be necessary to maintain the senate institution as the highest decision-making power in higher education institutions.
During the meeting the activities of the consortium of Latvian technological universities and higher education institutions were also discussed. The consortium also includes RTU and VUAS but it is currently inactive and does not fulfil its task - to coordinate cooperation between universities and higher education institutions in solving important issues at a national level. Both rectors agreed on the need to restore the consortium's activities.
Strengthening the field of science requires work on higher number of doctoral candidates. VUAS rector prof. Kārlis Krēsliņš expressed his willingness to cooperate with RTU in developing a new competitive doctoral study programme.
At the end of the meeting RTU rector had the opportunity to see the modern and technologically equipped laboratory and VUAS study equipment. VUAS management and RTU rector committed to strengthen the cooperation in the future and to continue working on the development of higher education.
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Inženieru iela 101, Ventspils, LV-3601
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