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Researchers have created 3D magnetic flux models for a bicycle generator

2020. gada 2. marts

Researchers have created 3D magnetic flux models for a bicycle generator   

Engineering Research Institute (ERI) Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre of Ventspils University of Applied Sciences as a leading partner and joint stock company "LATVO" as the project partner since the beginning of March 2019 have started to implement the European Regional Development Fond Operation Programme "Growth and Employment" 1.1.1 Specific Support Objective "Increase the Research and Innovation Capacity of Latvian Research Institutions and the Ability to Attract External Funding by Investing in Human Resources and Infrastructure" within the framework of the 2nd round of the measure "Practical Orientation Research" project "Environmentally Friendly Small Power Generator with the Rotor Linear Motion (DrauGen).                                                                                                                                             

The design of the previous inductor generator design was improved within the project. As the inductor generator is (intended) for installation on the rear wheel of the bicycle, there are a number of limitations to the design, taking into account these nuances, the new design meets these requirements. The design of the disk is of great importance for the efficiency of the inductor generator. The disk is also mounted on the wheel and has 86 contactors or switching elements. As a result of modeling, the optimal disk diameter and number of contactors were determined, as well as the best shape of contactors was determined to be X-shaped, because it is efficient and easy to assemble in the disk structure and it is not difficult to produce this contactor shape. This shape provides good magnetic flux conductivity to provide a sufficient EDS value for the inductor generator. As the disk rotates, the contactors close and shut off the magnetic fluxes between the structural elements and result in a pulsating magnetic field, resulting in an electric motor appearing in the windings (which are placed on the structural elements on two sides). At present, according to the modeling results of the new design, prototype parts were ordered in order to create a prototype of the modeled design and check the results obtained by modeling with the real ones. Prototype production and testing is planned in the near future.     

Wheel with an inductor generator.
Inductor generator with a disc.
Induction distribution in structural elements.
Magnētiskas plūsmas virzieni konstrukcijā.
Directions of magnetic flux in the structure. Magnetic induction in contactors (T position).
Magnetic induction in contactors (T position)

Total approved costs of the project are EUR 472 069,00 and they are financed from the following financial sources: European Regional Development Fund (ERAF) - EUR 272,855.88, Government funding - EUR 163,807.94, Ventspils University of Applied Sciences and joint stock company "LATVO" funding – EUR 35,405.18. Project Duration – 24 months (03.2019-02.2021).

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