Vladislavs Bezrukovs

Vladislavs Bezrukovs



Scientific publications indexed in Scopus and Web of Science

  • 2020
    • Bleiders, M.; Antyufeyev, O.; Patoka, O.; Orbidans, A., Aberfelds, A., Steinbergs, J., Bezrukovs, V., Shmeld, I. Spectral Line Registration Backend Based on USRP X300 Software Defined Radio.  JOURNAL OF ASTRONOMICAL INSTRUMENTATION   Volume: ‏ 9   Issue: ‏ 2  2020, https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S2251171720500099 Scopus
    • Sukharev, A., Ryabov, M., Bezrukovs, V., Orbidans, A., Bleiders, M., Udovichenko, S., Keir, L., Eglitis, I., Kudsey, I., Dubovsky, P. Program and results of investigations rapid variability of the BL Lac Object 3C 371 in radio and optical ranges. Galaxies, Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2020, Article number 69, Open Access, DOI: 10.3390/GALAXIES8030069, https://www.mdpi.com/2075-4434/8/3/69  Scopus
    • Sukharev A., Ryabov M., Sobitniak L., Bezrukovs V., Orbidans A., Bleiders M., Panishko S. Study of variability 3C 144 (Taurus A) radio source at frequencies 1.6, 5, 6.1 GHz with passage through the Solar supercorona. “Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions” (raksts pieņemts publikācijai)
    • A. Gorbunov, A. Sukharev, M. Ryabov, V. Bezrukovs, A. Orbidans, S. Panishko. ABOUT CHARACTER OF SECULAR CHANGE IN SPECTRAL FLUX DENSITY OF THE SUPERNOVA REMNANT CAS A FROM MILLIMETER TO DECAMETER WAVE LENGTHS. Astrophysics. (raksts pieņemts publikācijai)
  • 2019
    • Bleiders, M., Berzins, A., Jekabsons, N., Skirmante, K., Bezrukovs, Vl. Low-cost L-band receiving system front-end for irbene RT-32 cassegrain radio telescope | [L diapazona uztverošās sistēmas ieejas trakts irbenes RT-32 radioteleskopam]. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 56(3), pp. 50-61  Scopus, Web of Science
    • Upnere, S., Jekabsons, N., Gulbe, L., Bezrukovs, V., Bezrukovs, V. Simulation of the flow field over the coastal terrain. 2019, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Part F6, pp. 400-407 ; ISSN: 21954356;  DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-2273-0_31 ,  https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-981-13-2273-0_31    Scopus

  • 2018
    • Bezrukovs Va., Bezrukovs Vl., Upnere S., Gulbe L., Bezrukovs D. The use of cellular communication masts for wind share research. ENERGETIKA. 2018. T. 64. Nr. 2. P. 64–73; DOI: https://doi.org/10.6001/energetika.v64i2.3780  EBSCO, Scopus        
    • Bezrukovs, Vl., Shteinbergs, J., Shmeld, I., Aberfelds, A., Bleiders, M., Orbidans, A., Skirmante, K., Gawronski, M., Feiler, R. First interferometric observations in Irbene - Torun baseline conducted by VIRAC. Proceedings of Science, Volume 344, 2018, 14th European VLBI Network Symposium and Users Meeting, EVN 2018; Main Auditorium of the Parque de las Ciencias of GranadaGranada; Spain; 8 October   Scopus    
    • Bezrukovs, Vl., Sukharev, A., Ryabov, M., Orbidans, A., Bleiders, M. AGN intra-day and inter-day variability studies with VIRAC radio telescopes. Proceedings of Science, Volume 344, 2018, 14th European VLBI Network Symposium and Users Meeting, EVN 2018; Main Auditorium of the Parque de las Ciencias of GranadaGranada; Spain; 8 October 2018 through 11 October 2018  Scopus    
    • Alef, W., Tuccari, G., Dornbusch, S., Wunderlich, M., Pantaleev, M., Flygare, J., Gallego, J.D., López-Pérez, J.A., Tercero, F., Schoonderbeek, G., Hargreaves, J., de Wild, R., Bezrukovs, Vl. BRAND - The next generation receiver for VLBI. Proceedings of Science, Volume 344, 2018, 14th European VLBI Network Symposium and Users Meeting, EVN 2018; Main Auditorium of the Parque de las Ciencias of GranadaGranada; Spain; 8 October  Scopus    

  • 2017
    • Bezrukovs, V., Bezrukovs, V., Upnere, S., Bezrukovs, D., Sauhats, A. The assessment of wind speed distortions in a simulated flow around a lattice cellular communication mast. 2018, Proceedings - 2017 European Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, EECS 2017 16 July 2018, ISBN: 978-153862085-4,  DOI: 10.1109/EECS.2017.84; pp. 421-428  Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 19 July 2018, Scopus, Web of Science
    • M.P.Kaliuzhnyi, F.I.Bushuev, Ye.S.Sibiriakova, O.V.Shulga, L.S.Shakun, Vl. Bezrukovs, V.F.Kulishenko, S.S.Moskalenko, Ye.V.Malynovskyi, O.A.Balagura. “Monitoring of the orbital position of a geostationary satellite by the spatially separated reception of signals of digital satellite television”. ISSN 1815-2066. Nauka innov. 2017, 13(1): 45—49 doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/scin13.01.045  Web of Science
    • M. Bleiders, Vl.Bezrukovs, A. Orbidans. Performance evaluation of Irbene RT-16 radio telescope receiving system. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 2018, 54(6), pp. 42-53,  Published in Print: 2017-12-01 (SCOPUS, WEB of Science) https://www.degruyter.com/downloadpdf/j/lpts.2017.54.issue-6/lpts-2017-0040/lpts-2017-0040.pdf     Scopus, Web of Science, EBSCO

  • 2016
    • Bezrukovs, Vl. Time and frequency synchronization on the VIRAC Radio telescope RT-32. 2016, Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 53 (2), pp. 14-19, doi:10.1515/lpts-2016-0009   Scopus, Web of Science, EBSCO
    • V. Bezrukovs, A. Zacepins, Vl. Bezrukovs, V. Komashilovs (2016): Comparison of methods for evaluation of wind turbine power production by the results of wind shear measurements on the Baltic shore of Latvia. Renewable Energy, Volume 96, Part A, October 2016, Pages 765–774. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2016.05.007. SCOPUS, Web of Science, Science direct, EBSCO
    • Valerijs Bezrukovs, Aleksejs Zacepins , Vladislavs Bezrukovs , and Vitalijs Komasilovs. “Comparison of different methods for evaluation of wind turbine power production based on wind measurements”. Renew. Energy Environ. Sustain. 1, 22 (2016). 4 pages. DOI: 10.1051/rees/2016025, http://www.journals.elsevier.com/renewable-and-sustainable-energy-reviews Impact; Factor: 6.798   Web of Science
    • Bezrukovs, V., Zacepins, A., Bezrukovs, V., Komashilovs, V. “Investigations of wind shear distribution on the Baltic shore of Latvia”. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences Volume 53, Issue 3, 1 June 2016, Pages 3-10,  DOI: 10.1515/lpts-2016-0016.   Scopus, Web of Science, EBSCO
    • V. Bezrukovs, Vl. Bezrukovs, A. Zacepins, D. Bezrukovs. “Forecasting of wind turbine efficiency in Latvia by long-term wind speed measurements”. In the proceeding of “2016 57th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON)” 13 -14 Oktobris 2016, Rīga, Latvija. doi:10.1109/RTUCON.2016.7763104,  8 p.   Scopus, Web of Science
  • 2015
    • Zacepins A., Bezrukovs V., Komashilovs V., Bezrukovs V. Analysis of Wind Power Flow on Different Heights in ventspils region based on measurements by Pentalum SpiDAR. 2015, 14th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development, p. 348–354.   Web of Science, Scopus, EBSCO
    • V Bezrukovs, Vl Bezrukovs, A Zacepins, V Komashilovs. Application of optical measurement complex Pentalum SpiDar for wind shear measurement onshore Baltic sea. EWEA, Paris, 17 - 20 November 2015. 7 pages. http://proceedings.ewea.org/annual2015/conference/allposters/PO155.pdf izdots 2016.g. Scopus
    • Bezrukovs V., Bezrukovs V., Zacepins A., Komashilovs V. Assesment of wind shear and wind energy potential in the Baltic Sea Region of Latvia. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2015 52(2), pp. 26-39 https://www.degruyter.com/downloadpdf/j/lpts.2015.52.issue-2/lpts-2015-0009/lpts-2015-0009.pdf (SCOPUS)

  • 2014
    • V P Bezrukovs, V V Bezrukovs and A J Zacepins. (2014): Comparative efficiency of wind turbines with different heights of rotor hubs: performance evaluation for Latvia. 2014 Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 524, Issue 1, 2014, Article number 012113, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/524/1/012113, ISSN: 17426588  Web of Science, Scopus
    • Komashilovs V., Zacepins A., Bezrukovs V., Bezrukovs D., Hofmanis J., Web application for processing and analysis of the raw wind measurement data.2014 CINTI 2014-15th IEEE Interantional Symposium on Computational Inetlligence and Informatics, proceedings, doi: 10.1109/CINTI.2014.7028718; p. 455.-458.  Web of Science, Scopus
    • Bezrukovs V., Bezrukovs Vl., Lizuma L. (2014): The landscape influence on the wind energy distribution in height on the Latvian coast of the Baltic Sea. Energy Procedia, 2014. Pages 223-233. DOI 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.07.073.  Web of Science, Scopus

  • 2013
    • Dugin, N., Antipenko, A., Bezrukovs, V., Gavrilenko, V., Dementjev, A., Lesins, A., Nechaeva, M., Shmeld, I., Snegirev, S., Tikhomirov, Yu., Trokss, J. , 2013. Radio interferometric research of ionosphere by signals of space satellites Baltic Astronomy, 22 (1), pp. 25-33.  Scopus, Web of Science
    • Shipkovs, P., Bezrukov, V., Pugachev, V., Bezrukovs, V., Silutins, V. Research of the wind energy resource distribution in the Baltic region (2013) Renewable Energy, 49, pp. 119-123. Scopus, Web of Science, EBSCO

Other scientific publications

  • 2019
    • Bezrukovs D.V, Bezrukovs V.V., Bezrukovs V.P., Zacepins A., Volkovs A., (2019): Reducing uncertainty of wind speed measurements obtained on lattice masts. WindEurope 2019 Conference&Workshop, Brussel 26 – 28 June 2019. Poster. РO.003
    • Bezrukovs D.V, Bezrukovs V.V., Bezrukovs V.P., Zacepins A.J., (2019): A method of correcting wind speed measurement results obtained from sensors placed on a lattice mast. WindEurope Conference & Exhibition 2019 in Bilbao | 2-4 April 2019. Poster PO.136.
    • K.Skirmante,  M.Bleiders, N. Jekabsons, Vl. Bezrukovs, A.Graps. Observations of OH maser comets in 1.6GHz frequency band: adaptation of the Irbene RT32 radio telescope and development of the data processing methods.

  • 2018

  • 2017
    • Bezrukovs V., Upnere S., Bezrukovs Vl., Zacepins A., Jekabsons N., (2017):  Assessing the impact of the construction of cellular communication towers on the annual wind measurements. The 7th International ENERGY Conference & Workshop – REMOO konferencē, Venēcija, Itālija, 10.-12.05.2017. Book of Abstracts, p.03.112,  ISBN numurs : 978-3-9818275-2-1; http://www.get-it-published.de/References/references.html (grāmatas vāks) DOI: 10.14621/ce, ISSN: 2363-6440
    • Bezrukovs V., Bezrukovs Vl., Upnere S., Bezrukovs D., (2018): The impact of lattice mast structure  on the results of wind speed measurements. WindEurope 2018 Conference at the Global Wind Summit 25 - 28 September, Hamburg. Poster.
    • Felix Bushuev, Mykola Kaliuzhnyi, Oleksandr Shulga, Leonid Shakun, Vladislavs Bezrukovs, Oleksandr Reznichenko, Sergiy Moskalenko, Yevgen Malynovskyi. “THE NETWORK OF PASSIVE CORRELATION RANGING FOR GEOSTATIONARY SATELLITES”. IAASS conference proceedings, 2017, p.213-219, ISBN 978-90-828378-0-3
    • Bezrukovs V., Upnere S., Bezrukovs Vl., Zacepins A., Jekabsons N., (2017): Effect of the cellular communication mast structure on the wind speed measurement results. Print in the 2017 International Journal of Contemporary ENERGY, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2017), pp. 41 – 49, DOI: 10.14621/ce.20170205 . (SCOPUS, WEB of Science) vēl nav Scopus, http://contemporary-energy.net/Articles/v03n02a05-Vladislav-Bezrukovs.pdf
    • Bezrukovs V., Upnere S., Bezrukovs Vl., Zacepins A., Jekabsons N., (2017): Effect of the cellular communication mast structure on the wind speed measurement results. The 7th International ENERGY Conference & Workshop - REMOO konferencē, Venēcija, Itālija, 10.-12.05.2017. Proceeding, ISBN 978-3-9818275-5-2
    • A.L. SUKHAREV, Vl.V. BEZRUKOVS, M.J. BLEIDERS, A.A ORBIDANS, M.I. RIABOV. “О программе и предварительных результатах исследований внутрисуточной и межсуточной переменности потоков излучения внегалактических радиоисточников на телескопах Вентспилсcкого международного радиоастрономического центра (VIRAC).” RADIO PHYSICS AND RADIO ASTRONOMY, DOI:  https://doi.org/10.15407/rpra, ISSN 2415-7007 (Online); ISSN 1027-9636 (Print); Vol22, No 4
    • Bezrukovs Vl., F. Bushuev, M. Kaliuzhnyi, O. Shulg1, L. Shakun, O. Reznichenko, S. Moskalenko, Ye. Malynovskyi. Monitoring position of Geostationary Satellites using Passive Correlation Ranging method.  “Baltic Applied Astroinformatics and Space data Processing”, Ventspils, Latvia, August 23-24, 2017, Abstract Book. ISBN 978-9984-648-73-6, p.14, 15
    • Bezrukovs Vl., Sukharev A. Bleiders M., Orbidans A., Ryabov M.I.  Preparation for monitoring of intra-day variability of AGN with VIRAC radio telescopes. BAASP 2017 - 5th International Scientific Conference "Baltic Applied Astroinformatics and Space Data Processing 23-24 August, 2017. Abstract Book. ISBN 978-9984-648-73-6, p. 16, 17
    • Bleiders M., Bezrukovs Vl., Orbidans A.  Performance evaluation of Irbene RT-16 receiving system. BAASP 2017 - 5th International Scientific Conference "Baltic Applied Astroinformatics and Space Data Processing 23-24 August, 2017. Abstract Book. Ventspils Augstskola, VIRAC. ISBN 978-9984-648-73-6, p. 18

  • 2016
    • V. Bezrukovs, A. Zacepins, Vl. Bezrukovs, D. Bezrukovs (2016): The evaluation of wind turbine efficiency in Latvia under low-wind conditions. Space Research Review, Vol. 4, 2016, pp 85-96., VIRAC, ISBN 978-9984-48-053-7
    • Mykola Kaliuzhnyi, Felix Bushuev, Oleksandr Shulga, Yevgeniya Sybiryakova, Leonid Shakun, Vladislavs Bezrukovs, Sergiy Moskalenko, Vladislav Kulishenko, Yevgen Malynovskyi. (2016). International Network of Passive Correlation Ranging for Orbit Determination of a Geostationary Satellite. Odessa Astronomical Publications. Volume 29.  203-206
    • Shakun, Leonid; Shulga, Alexandr; Sybiryakova, Yevgeniya; Bushuev, Felix; Kaliuzhnyi, Mykola; Bezrukovs, Vladislavs; Moskalenko, Sergiy; Kulishenko, Vladislav; Balagura, Oleg. (2016). Passive correlation ranging of a geostationary satellite using DVB-S payload signals. 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, abstracts from the meeting that was to be held 30 July - 7 August at the Istanbul Congress Center (ICC), Turkey, but was cancelled. See http://cospar2016.tubitak.gov.tr/en/, Abstract PSD.1-16-16.  NASA ADS
    • Vl. Bezrukovs, M. Bleiders, A. Orbidans, D. Bezrukovs. “Broadband receiving systems for 4.5-8.8 GHz radio astronomical observations at Irbene radio telescope RT-32 and RT-16”. Space Research Review 2016 vol. 4. 62 - 76 pp., VIRAC, ISBN 978-9984-48-053-7

  • 2015
  • 2014
    • V. Bezrukovs and Vl. Bezrukovs (2014): Wind Speed and Energy at Different Heights on the Latvian Coast of the Baltic Sea. J. Energy Power Sources. Vol. 1, No. 2, 2014, pp. pp. 105-112.
    • Bezrukovs V., Bezrukovs Vl., Shipkovs P., Lizuma L. “Investigation of wind energy distribution in height in Latvia”. 2013 ISES Solar World Congress, Energy Procedia, Volume 57, 2014, Pages 3100 - 3109. DOI:10.1016/j.egypro.2015.06.057.
    • М.Б. Нечаева, Н.А. Дугин, А.А. Антипенко, Д.А. Безруков, В.В. Безруков, В.В. Войтюк, А.Ф. Дементьев, Н. Екабсонс, М. Клаперс, А.А. Коноваленко, В.Ф. Кулишенко, А.С. Набатов, В.Н. Нестерук, Д. Пупильо, А.М. Резниченко, Э. Салерно, С.Д. Снегирев, Ю.В. Тихомиров, Р.В. Хуторной, К. Шкирманте, И. Шмелд, Чагунин А.К. РСДБ-локация астероида 2012 DA14. // Изв.ВУЗов. Радиофизика, 2014.  Т. 57, N 10, c. 774 – 783.

  • 2013
    • Bezrukovs V., Bezrukovs Vl., Lizuma L. “The landscape influence on the wind energy distribution in height on the Latvian coast of the Baltic Sea”. In the proceedings of „2013 International Conference on Alternative Energy in Developing Countries and Emerging Economies.” May 30-31, 2013. Bangkok, Thailand
    • Bezrukovs Vl., Shmeld I. „”First successful VLBI observations in the EVN network with VIRAC radio telescope RT-32”. In the proceeding of „11th European VLBI Network Symposium & Users Meeting”. October 9-12, 2012, Bordeaux, France” edited by Patrick Charlot, Géraldine Bourda and Arnaud Collioud. In print, (PoS(11th EVN Symposium)078)
    • М.Б. Нечаева, А.А. Антипенко, Д.А. Безруков, В.В. Безруков, В.В. Войтюк, А.Ф. Дементьев, Н.А. Дугин, Н. Екабсонс, М. Клаперс, А.А. Коноваленко, В.Ф. Кулишенко, А.С. Набатов, В.Н. Нестерук, Д. Пупильо, А.М. Резниченко, Э. Салерно, Ю.В. Тихомиров, Р.В. Хуторной, К. Шкирманте, И. Шмелд. Применение метода РСДБ в эксперименте по локации астероида 2012 DA14 в 2013 г. // Экологический вестник научных центров Черноморского экономического соотрудничества (ЧЭС). 2013. №4. Т.2. С. 116-123. ISSN 1729-5459
    • М.Б. Нечаева, А.А. Антипенко, Д.А. Безруков, В.В. Безруков, В.В. Войтюк, А.Ф. Дементьев, Н.А. Дугин, Н. Екабсонс, М. Клаперс, А.А. Коноваленко, В.Ф. Кулишенко, А.С. Набатов, В.Н. Нестерук, Д. Пупильо, А.М. Резниченко, Э. Салерно, Ю.В. Тихомиров, Р.В. Хуторной, К. Шкирманте, И. Шмелд. Применение метода РСДБ в эксперименте по локации астероида 2012 DA14 в 2013 г. // Международная конференция
    • Shmeld I., Bezrukovs Vl. V., Eglitis I., Jekabsons N., Nechaeva M.B., Skirmante K. „Research of the near-Earth bodies in Latvia.” Экологический вестник научных центров ЧЕС. 2013. Nr 4, Том 3. In print.


  • 2019
    • Va.Bezrukovs, De.Bezrukovs, A.S.Sauhats, Vl.Bezrukovs. Vēja enerģētiskā iekārta atkritumu sadedzināšanai. Pieteikuma Nr. P-19-22, pieteikuma/prioritātes datums: 26.04.2019.  Patent
    • Bezrukovs V., Bezrukovs Vl., Bezrukovs D., Konuhova M., Berzins A. (2019): Magnētiskās plūsmas komutācijas tipa induktorģenerators. Flux Switching type inductor generator. P-19-83 no 27.12.2019.  Patent

  • 2016
    • P. Šipkovs, V. Bezrukovs, J. Šipkovs, Vl. Bezrukovs, A. Sņegirjovs (2016): SYSTEM FOR CONTROL OPERATION OF SOLAR HEAT COLLECTOR. Patent  LV 15149 from 20.10.2016, 6 p.  Patent . Description: The invention relates to the solar energy collectors, in particular to the control systems that regulate the flow rate of outgoing working fluid through the collector's operational circuits. The  aim of  the  invention is  to increase the operational safety of a solar collector.
  • 2013
    • D.  Bezrukovs, Va.  Bezrukovs,  Vl. Bezrukovs,  N.  Levins  (2013): Inductor generator for bicycles, Patent  LV 14695 from 20.10.2013.
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