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ERA Chair Holder Position – Strategic Counsellor Job advertisement

2019. gada 7. novembris

Ventspils University of Applied Sciences (Reg. Nr. 90000362426, address: Inženieru iela 101, Ventspils) announces application for the position of ERA Chair Holder – Strategic Counsellor (ERA Chair holder) at Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Center.

The prime responsibility of the ERA Chair holder is implementation of the project LATSPACE This is a fixed term appointment for a period no longer than the duration of the project that terminates on November 30, 2023.

Job Description

The ERA Chair holder will have to engage as a Strategic Counsellor at Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre (VIRAC) at Ventspils University of Applied Sciences (VUAS) in Latvia for the duration of the project LATSPACE The ERA Chair holder will have to develop a strategic vision to implement the project. For the purpose of the implementation, a possibility of recruitment of up to additional four experts will be offered. The ERA Chair holder will have to lead the expert group, by also involving senior scientific personnel of VIRAC as necessary. The main task of the ERA Chair holder and the expert group will be the development of VIRAC roadmap to achieve the goals set within the LATSPACE project, including, but not limited to, suggestions for structural and other measures to efficiently use the available resources – personnel, finances, and large scale (three radio telescopes, – RT16, RT32 and LOFAR) and other infrastructure available at VIRAC. The ERA Chair holder will have to manage applications to get public funding from the EU, national and private sources. The candidate is expected to ensure stable and predictable flow of R&D projects, and full exploitation of the VIRAC’s research infrastructure. The core activity of the Strategic Counsellor is to regulate a multi-level organisational structure, consisting of departments, laboratories and various research and engineering groups, as well as to enable VIRAC to achieve the highest efficiency in the implementation of research and engineering projects.

During the LATSPACE project, the ERA Chair holder will have to comply with the terms of Constitution of VUAS and the Statutes (Regulation) of VIRAC, providing advice to the VIRAC’s decision-making bodies (the Scientific Council and the Director) as necessary. The holder of the position, in consultation with the Project Management Board (PMB), will be entitled to hire up to four experts required for the implementation of the project; the experts will be funded from the project’s budget. These hires will be subjected to approval by the PMB. It is expected that the ERA Chair holder will demonstrate willingness and readiness to collaborate with the members of other (existing) groups at VUAS and its external partners.

VUAS undertakes to provide administrative aid and funding for the development of the VIRAC roadmap. It is expected that the ERA Chair holder will facilitate her/his team and collaborate with other VIRAC staff members to, in particular, attract external research grants. It is also expected that the ERA Chair holder, together with VIRAC Director, will be co-responsible for dissemination of the research and technology development results as well as information on public outreach activities of VUAS and VIRAC relevant to the LATSPACE project.

ERA Chair holder will become a member of the VIRAC Director’s advisory board.

The successful candidate will be given:

  • fixed term contract until November 30, 2023 (according to the project LATSPACE, funded by ERAF);
  • a competitive salary at the level comparable to that of senior faculty of a leading EU university up to 8 000 EUR monthly on average (salary consists of fixed part and variable part based on project results, relocation bonus, etc., all negotiable);

Position requirements

A successful candidate:

  • holds a PhD degree or equivalent in physics, astronomy, electronics, radio or other relevant engineering areas for no less than ten years;
  • meets conditions of Established researcher as specified in the European Framework for Research Careers with no less than (R3) I level, including:
  • a proven international research experience,
  • an international reputation based on research excellence,
  • a proven record in securing research funding and experience in managing and leading a research group for no less than ten years;
  • have experience in international cooperation; and
  • at least ten-year experience in science and/or technology management;
  • possesses fluent written and oral communication skills in English;

Applications, including:

  • Detailed curriculum vitae;
  • Brief description of current research and other activities, accomplishments;
  • List of representative publications;

should be sent directly to the VUAS Personnel Department –

The applicant must provide three letters of reference, including one from the current employer. These letters should be sent directly by the referees to the above address.

All documents should be in English. All applications received until December 23, 2019 will receive full consideration. Preliminary review of the applications will be completed by January 05, 2020. During the second stage of the recruitment procedure from January 6th through 12th, 2020, several short-listed candidates will be invited to VUAS for an interview that will consist of an oral presentation on the research topic of the candidate’s choice and outlook on the candidate’s activities related to the position that of ERA Chair holder. A contract offer to the selected candidate is expected to be offered within the period from 20th through 31st January, 2020.

VUAS is committed to employment equality, in particular, as set in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, and welcomes applications from any qualified candidate, who fulfils the requirements specified in the announcement.

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