This web page is created within BALTICS project funded from the European Union’s Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No.692257.
2020. gada 17. februāris
The publication of the conference "Baltic Applied Astroinformatics and Space Data Processing" BAASP’2019 - LJPTS 1.-2. Vol. 57, special edition - has already been published on the Institute of Physical Energetics (FEI) homepage and available in PDF format:
The publication has been created with European Regional Development Fund project "Support for Preparation of Ventspils University of Applied Sciences International Cooperation Projects in Research and Innovations (ATVASE)" No. and Project No. "Further Development of VIRAC Institutional and Research Capacity" is co-funded by European Regional Development Fund. The total project funding is EUR 2 475 625, of which ERDF funding is EUR 2 104 281,25 and government co-funding is EUR 371 343,75. Project implementation venue – Ventspils city and Ventspils region, Ances parish. The duration of the project implementation is 59 months: 1/1/2019–30/11/2023
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