This web page is created within BALTICS project funded from the European Union’s Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No.692257.
2018. gada 10. jūlijs
Atvars Nikolajevs “Introduction to LOFAR data processing”
During this seminar the main aim is to get familiar with basics of radio astronomy, interferometry, Low-Frequency Array technology (LOFAR), LOFAR long-baseline (LB) calibrator survey and procedures, and data processing software Astronomical Image Processing System (AIPS). Practical work shows the main steps required to review LOFAR LB data and prepare it for imaging using AIPS.
10.00 – 10.30 – Introduction (A.Nikolajevs)
10.30 – 11.00 – Practical work: LOFAR LB data processing tutorial (A.Nikolajevs)
11:00 – 11:10 – Pārtraukums
11.10 – 12.00 – Practical work: LOFAR LB data processing tutorial (A.Nikolajevs)
Apmācību diena notiek projekta „Building on Advanced Lofar Technology for Innovation, Collaboration, and Sustainability” (BALTICS) ietvaros. Vairāk par projektu šeit.
Tālrunis: +37163629656
Ekskursijas: +37129230818
Inženieru iela 101, Ventspils, LV-3601
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