This web page is created within BALTICS project funded from the European Union’s Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No.692257.
2019. gada 15. aprīlis
During the period from 07.04.2019 until 13.04.2019 VIRAC employee Jānis Šteinbergs participated in a one-week work seminar ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) to begin work on the project "Radio - X-ray correlation function of radio halos in clusters of galaxies" implemented by ASTRON. During the seminar tasks to be performed during the project and their time schedule were discussed. Also during the seminar the data acquisition methodology was mastered in order to access the LOFAR LTA (Long Term Archive, radio astronomical data, as well as work was started on the development of joint software that would provide more convenient data acquisition and processing. This seminar laid the foundation for further cooperation between VIRAC and ASTRON for several years, including the possibility of establishing a joint project on a Latvian or international scale.
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