
VSRC patenti

  • 2019. gads
    1. Va.Bezrukovs, Dm.Bezrukovs, A.S.Sauhats, Vl.Bezrukovs. Vēja enerģētiskā iekārta atkritumu sadedzināšanai. Pieteikuma Nr. P-19-22, pieteikuma/prioritātes datums: 26.04.2019.  Patent
    2. Bezrukovs V., Bezrukovs Vl., Bezrukovs D., Konuhova M., Berzins A. (2019): Magnētiskās plūsmas komutācijas tipa induktorģenerators. Flux Switching type inductor generator. P-19-83 no 27.12.2019.  Patent
    3. J.Šteinbergs, K.Veitners, M.Iacobelli. LAnDmARk - Lofar Automated Data Access & pRocessing. Github platforma, 11.04.2019.  SOFTWARE

  • 2016. gads
    1. P. Šipkovs, V. Bezrukovs, J. Šipkovs, Vl. Bezrukovs, A. Sņegirjovs (2016): SYSTEM FOR CONTROL OPERATION OF SOLAR HEAT COLLECTOR. Patent  LV 15149 from 20.10.2016, 6 p.  Patent . Description: The invention relates to the solar energy collectors, in particular to the control systems that regulate the flow rate of outgoing working fluid through the collector's operational circuits. The  aim of  the  invention is  to increase the operational safety of a solar collector.
  • 2015. gads
    1. V. Bezrukovs, M. Morozs. VOLTAGE CONVERTER FOR MOTOR/GENERATORS. Patent, LV 15026 from 20.11.2015, 9 p. 
  • 2014. gads
    1. V. Bezrukovs, A. Bērziņš, A. Lesiņš (2014):  Anti-corrosive protection method and device. WO2014092522 from 19.06.2014, 12 p.
    2.  V. Bezrukovs, A. Bērziņš, A. Lesiņš (2014): Device for protection of the inner surfaces of a metal structure cavity against corrosion. Patent, LV14867 from 20.06.2014, 8 p.
    3. V. Bezrukovs, A. Bērziņš, A. Lesiņš (2014): Method for protection of internal surfaces of cavities of metallic structures against corrosion. Patent, LV14866 from 20.06.2014 6 lpp.

  • 2013. gads
    1. V. Bezrukovs, M. Morozs (2013):, Electrical machine voltage converter, International patent application PCT/LV2013/000014 from 20.12.2013, 17 p.
    2. D.  Bezrukovs, V.  Bezrukovs,  Vl. Bezrukovs,  N.  Levins  (2013): Inductor generator for bicycles, Patent  LV 14695 from 20.10.2013.
    3. V. Bezrukovs, M. Morozs. Electrical machine voltage converter.  Patent  application P-13-227 from 20.12.2013, 9 p.

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